
Get Your Handbook for Disrupting Adversaries and Reducing Risk

Posted: 15th October 2020

If 2020 taught the security industry anything, it is this: There has never been a better time to be a cybercriminal. From extortion ransomware to cyberespionage campaigns, adversaries are capitalizing on uncertainty, causing chaos, and cashing in.

The only defenders who will win are the ones focused on proactively disrupting attackers’ activities.

Security intelligence is an outcomes-centric approach to reducing risk. It fuses internal and external threat, security, and business insights across an entire organization — and it is the most powerful weapon defenders have against threat actors. Now, there’s a handbook on security intelligence to guide you in this battle!

The Principles of Security Intelligence

For more than a decade, our work at Recorded Future has been grounded in three core principles:

  • Security intelligence must provide the timely, clear, and actionable context required to make fast, informed decisions and take effective action as it applies to each security challenge.
  • People and machines work better together — each works smarter, saving time and money, reducing human burnout, and improving security overall.
  • Security intelligence is for everyone. No matter what security role you play, intelligence enables better, faster decisions.

During this time of significant change, we’ve added a forth core principle, and it has quickly moved to the top of our list:

You must focus on disrupting the adversaries most likely to target you — and make their lives as challenging as possible. Security intelligence is the most effective way to do this.

Precision Intelligence Modules for Disrupting Adversaries

At Recorded Future, our ability to collect, structure, analyze, and deliver all relevant security information on the internet is what has set us apart since the very beginning. We’ve taken that ability and further tailored the world’s most advanced security intelligence platform to meet the key intelligence challenges across every security function.

Our six new precision intelligence modules deliver actionable, customized intelligence that drives nimble, highly targeted security decision-making. They include:

Get Your Handbook Today

So, how does elite security intelligence empower your organization to tackle critical areas of risk and proactively defend themselves?

The newly released third edition of our popular book, “The Security Intelligence Handbook: How to Disrupt Adversaries and Reduce Risk With Security Intelligence” paints a clear picture of security intelligence, as well as actionable guidance for disrupting the threat actors targeting your organization right now — and in the future.

“The Security Intelligence Handbook” is your definitive guide for proactive risk reduction.

The threat landscape is evolving fast, and we’ve made a number of significant updates to this third edition of our handbook that address the newest realities. The latest volume features the following, and much more:

  • A new foreword by Recorded Future CEO Dr. Christopher Ahlberg about the unprecedented state of security
  • A sharpened focus on six critical security functions
  • An expanded discussion of security intelligence’s applications for specific teams
  • Deep investigation of new use cases
  • An entirely new chapter on reducing geopolitical risk
  • A new conclusion that explores the results you’ll be empowered to achieve with security intelligence

We hope this refreshed handbook will play a major role in your security strategy by offering practical information and advice on disrupting the adversaries your organization faces.

Download “The Security Intelligence Handbook” today to unlock unparalleled value, amplify impact across your security teams, examine use cases, build a winning program, and sharpen your intelligence advantage.
