Anticipate and mitigate the effects of payment fraud
Improve fraud prevention strategies using compromised card and merchant insights to mitigate fraudulent transactions.

Global losses from card fraud are expected to total $397.4 billion over the next 10 years. To reduce financial losses, fraud prevention teams require insight into stolen cards. Payment Fraud Intelligence provides proactive information on compromised cards and merchants to help fraud teams enhance prevention strategies and take action on compromised cards before fraud occurs.

Enhance your payment fraud mitigation strategy
Card issuers use reactive controls to prevent fraud. We provide fraud teams with insights on compromised merchants, stolen card data, and card checker services to improve fraud detection rules, reduce chargeback fees, and disrupt the compromised card lifecycle.
Improve cardholder and customer experience
Provide your fraud teams with automated insights into compromised cards, helping financial institutions enhance their fraud rules to prevent compromised cards from transacting and allow legitimate transactions to be completed without friction.
Reduce financial risks and increase trust
Empower your teams with compromised card and merchant intelligence to fine-tune alerts. The actionable threat actor insights allow your fraud teams to lower risk, prevent fraud from occurring, and instill customer confidence and trust in your institution.

Key capabilities
- Compromised card data
- Common points of purchase analysis
- Magecart/e-skimmer scanning
- Threat-level insights for compromised cards
- Tester merchant identification
- Structured data for ingestion