Recorded Future 뉴스
Recorded Future News gives you exclusive, behind-the-scenes access to leaders, policymakers, researchers, and the people in the shadows of the cyber underground. We break news and interview those that matter in the fast-changing field of cybersecurity.

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Since launching in August 2020, Recorded Future News has quickly become one of the most prominent sources of cybersecurity news, receiving hundreds of thousands of visitors every month. Our readers can subscribe to a daily newsletter, listen to our weekly podcast or follow us on social media to stay up-to-date with our coverage.
Recorded Future 뉴스가 제공하는 The Record
The Record from Recorded Future News gives you exclusive, behind-the-scenes access to leaders, policymakers, researchers, and the people in the shadows of the cyber underground. We break news and interview those that matter in the fast-changing field of cybersecurity
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거의 매일 새로운 사이버 공격에 대한 소식이 들려오는 것 같습니다. 예전에는 대기업과 정부 기관만 공격 대상이었습니다. 이제 공격자들은 여러분에게 집중합니다. 매주 화요일, 전 NPR 조사 특파원 Dina Temple-Raston이 사이버 및 인텔리전스의 세계에 대한 심층적인 정보를 공유합니다.
Cyber Daily®
The Cyber Daily® newsletter highlights reporting by The Record from Recorded Future News