
Reduce threat detection, investigation, and response time

Security automation streamlines security operations, providing the critical context for identifying and triaging threats.

Reduce threat detection, investigation, and response time

Only 33% of alerts received by SOC teams are investigated, leaving many potential threats ignored. Threat actors have an advantage - they only need to get it right once and with only 33% of alerts received by SOC teams being investigated, there is lots of potential for them to slip through the cracks. Automating security workflows with intelligence from Recorded Future enables security teams to respond to threats faster and more efficiently.
Only 33% of alerts are investigated by SOC teams, leaving many threats ignored. Recorded Future's Security Workflow Automation allows for quicker, more efficient threat response

How do you know you’re focusing on the right alerts?

71% of SOC analysts believe their organization has likely been compromised and they don’t know it yet. Prioritizing which alerts to focus on is critical to stop attacks before they cause damage.

Security workflow automation streamlines alert prioritization, reduces tool-switching, and eases decision-making
Focus on what matters

Empower security teams to efficiently prioritize alerts for investigation, eliminate the need to navigate between multiple tools, and streamline workflows to make informed decisions with ease.

How efficient is your alert investigation process?

64% of SOC teams complain that pivoting between tools, with little interconnectedness, inhibits comprehensive and timely response. Reducing manual work required to investigate an alert is essential.

Context at your fingertips
Context at your fingertips

Get the information you need in one location, including the severity of an indicator, related IOCs, linked malware, and research on the indicator. By consolidating these key elements, you can eliminate the need for time-consuming searches and make well-informed decisions right from the start.

What security processes could you automate?

49% of security teams lack enough staff to manually triage, investigate, and respond to an increasing volume of security events. Security teams need more time - time to respond to threats and prepare for the future.

Enhance efficiency and take proactive action with Recorded Future’s Security Workflow Automation solution
Enhance efficiency and take proactive action

Achieve reliable and trusted outcomes with intelligence as the foundation of your security operations automation strategy. Whether it involves automating file detonation for proactive phishing response, conducting threat hunts to identify relevant threats, or by setting alerts for future attacks - Recorded Future’s Security Workflow Automation solution equips you with the necessary intelligence to streamline manual tasks.

Recorded Future benefits


increase in team capacity


hours per user per week saved on investigation and threat hunting activities


of previously manual workflows automated

“Recorded Future enables us to leverage threat intelligence within our day-by-day activities and makes it much easier to identify the right way to protect our organization and keep an effective security posture.”

Cosmin Anghel - SOC Manager, Aera Technology

Recorded Future in action

Map detections & TTPs

Map detections from your integration environment to the MITRE map to easily identify security gaps across multiple tools

Map detections

Power and simplify your security workflows with Recorded Future today!

Frequently Asked Questions