Recorded Futureに関するニュース
Recorded Future News gives you exclusive, behind-the-scenes access to leaders, policymakers, researchers, and the people in the shadows of the cyber underground. We break news and interview those that matter in the fast-changing field of cybersecurity.

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Since launching in August 2020, Recorded Future News has quickly become one of the most prominent sources of cybersecurity news, receiving hundreds of thousands of visitors every month. Our readers can subscribe to a daily newsletter, listen to our weekly podcast or follow us on social media to stay up-to-date with our coverage.
Recorded Futureニュースからの記録
The Record from Recorded Future News gives you exclusive, behind-the-scenes access to leaders, policymakers, researchers, and the people in the shadows of the cyber underground. We break news and interview those that matter in the fast-changing field of cybersecurity
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連日、新たなサイバー攻撃のニュースを耳にします。 かつては大企業や政府機関が主な攻撃対象でした。しかし、今やあなたも、誰もが狙われています。毎週火曜日、元NPR捜査特派員のディナ・テンプル・ラストンが、サイバーとインテリジェンスの世界をたっぷりご紹介します。
Cyber Daily®
The Cyber Daily® newsletter highlights reporting by The Record from Recorded Future News