
Flexible Access to Intelligence

Recorded Future is a modular intelligence solution designed for customization to meet each client’s unique needs. Nine modules and an a-la-carte selection of valuable add-ons enable you to interact with the world’s most advanced intelligence platform in the exact ways that are right for your organization — without any of the noise.


Every module delivers Recorded Future’s real-time intelligence through integrations with your existing security tools, Intelligence CardsTM, risk scores, risk rules, threat views, and Insikt Group notes from our world-class research team. The following module-specific features enable security teams to make fast, informed decisions based on precision intelligence.

Brand Intelligence

Protect your brand from external threats
SecOps Intelligence

Accelerate threat detection, investigation, and response
Threat Intelligence

Access the world's largest commercial threat research platform
Use Case
  • Domain abuse detection
  • Data leakage monitoring
  • Brand attack mitigation
  • Monitoring for threats to your industry
  • Alert triage
  • Threat detection
  • Threat prevention
  • Advanced threat research and reporting
  • Advanced detection and validation
  • Dark web investigation
  • Monitoring for threats to your technology stack
Key Features
  • Real-time alerting on brand-related mentions
  • Closed forum and dark web monitoring
  • Takedown services
  • Industry threat views
  • Block-grade indicators
  • URL and file sandboxing
  • Robust SIEM, SOAR, and TIP integrations
  • Advanced querying, alerting, and data visualization
  • Threat hunting packages
  • Access to unique finished intelligence
  • Global threat views
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Vulnerability Intelligence

Prioritize the vulnerabilities that matter at scale
Third-Party Intelligence

Gain continuous visibility on your third parties
Geopolitical Intelligence

Monitor and protect against global physical threats
Use Case
  • Vulnerability prioritization
  • Monitoring for vulnerabilities in your tech stack
  • Continuous third-party risk management
  • Procurement assessment
  • Location-based monitoring
Key Features
  • Vulnerability risk scores based on exploitation
  • Real-time alerting before vulnerability publication
  • Integrations with vulnerability management solutions
  • Continuous monitoring of more than 150,000 companies
  • Real-time alerting on company risk indicators
  • Human-curated analysis of major risk events
  • Real-time geopolitical event monitoring
  • Location-based Intelligence CardsTM and risk scoring
  • Human-curated analysis of geopolitical events and patterns
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Identity Intelligence

Disrupt adversaries and prevent identity fraud
Card Fraud Intelligence

Proactively identify and mitigate risks from card fraud
Attack Surface Intelligence

Discover and defend your entire attack surface
Use Case
  • Account takeover prevention
  • Personnel credential monitoring
  • Third-party credential monitoring
  • Card fraud abuse prevention
  • Compromised merchant monitoring
  • Underground cybercriminal reporting
  • Asset Discovery and Management
  • Attack Surface Monitoring and Risk Reduction
Key Features
  • Risk checks during critical events
  • Automated exposed credential triage
  • Real-time context for risk mitigation
  • High fidelity card metrics from the cyber underground
  • Integrated compromised card intelligence for fraud prevention systems
  • Common points of purchase (CPP) analysis
  • Unmatched payment card data from dark web shops
  • Continuous monitoring for attack surface blindspots
  • Detection of previously unknown assets
  • Real-time context for faster prioritization and response
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Add-On Options