
Hackers Expose 49% of FT 500 Europe

Posted: 2nd June 2015

Recorded Future analysis identified recent employee credential exposures for at least 49% (244) of the FT 500 Europe, a Financial Times listing of Europe’s largest companies. The potential results of exposed credentials on the open web are corporate espionage, financial loss, reputational damage, and, considering the industries involved, attacks on critical infrastructure.

This research follows December’s “Fortune 500’s Unfortunate 221” report which identified a similar epidemic at US-based companies. With 100% of cyber attacks involving leaked credentials, this new Recorded Future report focuses on European companies, underscoring the need for security teams to monitor the open web for threats to their organization.

The findings by Recorded Future were gained using the company’s Web Intelligence Engine which scans more than 680,000 web sources in seven languages. Recorded Future arms information security teams with real-time threat intelligence so you can proactively defend your organization against cyber attacks.

Please click here to read this report from our Special Intelligence Desk. Afterward, request a demo to learn how Recorded Future can help your organization gain insight into emerging cyber threats.
