Splunk Enterprise App Change Log
Change Log
All notable changes to the Recorded Future Splunk add-on will be documented in this file.
[4.0.3] - 2018-11-09
Bug fix
- Compatibility issue with python-requests shipped with the Splunk server.
- Internal rest calls intermittently failed on clusters.
- Links to advisories from the Vulnerability enrichments dashboard were broken.
- Fixed naming of Intelligence card in some locations.
- Fixed improper sizing of logotypes in some locations.
- Added setting to disable SSL verification if needed.
- Search head cluster checks in the validation report.
- Problems reading config files on Windows
- Sample data has been filtered to avoid being flagged as malware.
- Improved validation report which detects missing configuration on search head clusters.
Added configuration option to disable SSL verification (needed with some
proxy configurations).
[4.0.2] - 2018-09-11
Bug fix
- Detection of Search head failed on Splunk server running without licenses.
- Link to ASN information cards was wrong.
- Updated XML in dashboard to new SimpleXML specification.
- Updated color settings to adapt to new visuals in Splunk 7.1.
- Minor look-n-feel improvements to dashboards.
- Changed the default SOC view to the Alerts view.
[4.0.1] - 2018-06-27
- Added a placeholder for the getting_started dashboard to redirect old installations with customized navigation to the new start page.
- Documentation improvements.
- Removed server.conf since Splunk prohibits it. Search head installs will have to manually add it.
[4.0.0] - 2018-06-01
New enrichment dashboards
- URLs
- Malwares
New correlation dashboard:
- URLs
- A new Explorer dashboard has been added. Using drop-down menus it's possible to explore different sourcetypes, risklists and fields to find the best way to correlate event data.
- A new Global Map dashboard was added.
- A new Alerts dashboard was added. It displays summary information about alerts pulled from Recorded Future using the alerts modular input.
- Support for Custom risklist using Recorded Future Fusion was added. Any number of risklists can be added.
New macros:
- rf_correlate - extends the functionality of previously available rf_hits with support for multiple risklists. This macro does however not unpack and format the evidence string. The new macro format_evidence can be used for this.
- format_evidence - unpacks and reformats the evidence details for a matching entity.
- to_date - extract the date from data and formats it.
- to_time - extract the date and time from data and formats it.
- to_splunk_time - extract the date and time but perform no formatting.
- unpack_metrics - unpacks the metrics field used in enrichment.
- unpack_relatedEntities - unpacks Related Entities used in enrichment.
- unpack_riskyCIDRIPs - unpacks the information about risky IPs in the CIDR used by IP enrichment.
- Support for retreiving alerts from Recorded Future has been added.
- Help pages are included in the app (including this Changelog).
New reports:
- A new report "Latest updates of all risklists" was added.
- A new report that show all log events from the app was added.
- A new validation feature has been added. This feature can be used to verify that the app can work or to gather information about potential issues.
Search head cluster synchronization:
- Only one cluster member retrieves risklists before distributing them to the rest of the cluster.
- Configuration is synchronized, ex the API key can be added to any node in the cluster, it will be propagated to all nodes.
Correlation dashboards have been improved:
- The Triggered Rules and Evidence strings that were previously shown in two different fields have now been combined into one, making it much easier to match Risk Rule with the corresponding Evidence String. For each event the Evidence is listed in descending criticality. A colored dot also provides information about how critical the evidence is.
- An addtional column has been added to the table of events found in the correlation search: the count of occurences of the entity (ex IP).
Two additional panes have been added:
- The top Risk Rules over the last 24 hours.
- The top entity (ex IP) which matches the risk list during the last 24 hours.
Enrichment dashboards have been improved:
- To help focus on the most relevant information the respective dashboard mimics the corresponding information card from Recorded Future.
- The "Current Risk Indicators" panel has been renamed to "Triggered Risk Rules". The content is sorted by descending Criticality (which is shown and color coded).
- When Recorded Future has information that the entity is present on a Treat list this information is shown in the "In Threat Lists" panel.
- If Recorded Future's Insikt Group has produced research about the entity this is shown in the "Threat Research Insikt Group" panel.
The number of categories of related entities has been increased. Only panels with information are shown. The following categories have been added:
- Related Attacker
- Related Target
- Related Actors
- Related Products
- Related Countries
- Related Technologies
- Related E-Mail Addresses
- Related Attack Vectors
- Related Operations
- Some dashboards have been made more efficient by removing additional API calls.
Recorded Future Cyber Vulnerability Enrichment has been improved:
- Information from NVD is displayed in the "NVD Summary" panel.
- Information about affected versions is shown in the "Affeced Versions" panel.
- Information third party information is shown in the "Advisories, Assessments and Mitigations" panel.
- The filenames of the risklists in the the lookups folder have changed. Ex: rf_ip_threatfeed.csv has become rf_ip_risklist.csv. The transform used to map between the name and the file name has been adapted to ensure backwards compatibility.
Complete rewrite of the scripts included in the app.
- Updates of the risklists and retreival of alerts have been implemented as modular inputs to improve reliability and scalability. Updates are performed as soon as new versions of the risklists become available.
- Enrichment is performed using an extension of Splunk's REST endpoint.
- The setup GUI has been extended and leverages Splunk's framework.
- The monitoring dashboards have been removed since this goal is better achieved using alerts within Recorded Future's service.
## [3.0.5] - 2017-08-15
### Changed
- IP/Domain risk lists download once an hour
## [3.0.4] - 2017-05-26
### Changed
- Risk Lists do not download to /tmp first
- Single risklist.py scrip to download
- Commands to download risk list (Splunk Macros)
- Reduced size of demo data
- Layout of enrichment dashboards
- Default values for enrichment dashboards
### Removed
- Conifg dashboards
## [3.0.3] - 2017-05-02
### Changed
## Addressed Certification Issues
- Removed error key log of Session Key
- Updated documentation for API Token entry to be more explicit
## [3.0.2] - 2017-04-25
### Changed
## Addressed Certification Issues
- Validate user proxy input
## [3.0.1] - 2017-04-17
### Changed
## Addressed Certification Issues
- Removed Javascript from setup.xml
- Renamed the folder for the example log files
## [3.0.0] - 2017-03-17
### Changed
## Addressed Key Certification Issues
- API Token is encrypted
- Risk Lists are downloaded first to tmp then lookups not bin to lookups
- Getting Started has been updated to reflect new additions
- Installation Guide has been updated to reflect changes
- Proxy can be added through the UI
- Default frequency of Risk List downloads (IP/Domain 4hrs, Vuln/Hash 1 day)
- Updated layout of Enrichment dashboards
- Threat Landscape is changed to Monitor
- Changed naming conventions of .py files to fit with multiple entity types
- Updated download commands to take arguments
- Gave users permission to access stored passwords (encrypted api token)
- Refactored to take advantage of the new API
- Use Requests instead of urllib2
- Updated to new logo
- IP Correlate dashboard no longer references Wordpress demo data
- Changed version numbers to major.minor.bugfix
- Recorded Future link is now app.recordedfuture.com
- Scheduled Reports return current date when completed successfully
- Added example logs files for Correlation dashboards
### Added
- Enrichment dashboards for Vulnerabilities
- Correlate dashboards for Vulnerabilities, Domains, and Hashes
- Config dashboards to filter Risk Lists by Risk Rule
- Package sample Risk Lists and correlation data
### Removed
- Current Threat Trends Dashboard
- Deleted deprecated code
- Removed unused macros and commands
## [2.12.13] - 2016-12-13
### Changed
- Altered read/write/execute rights on bin folder
### Added
- Addition of ‘lib’ folder with Python modules for encryption of key
### Removed
- Removal of Recorded Future - Threatfeed from savedsearches.conf
### Added
- Heatmap color-coding has been added to table panels in the following dashboards:
Log Correlations
IP Monitoring
Domain Monitoring
Current Threat Trends
### Changed
- Altered dashboards to use rf_threatfeed.csv lookup.
## [2.2.4] - 2016-02-04
### Changed
- IP enrichment dashboard API query uses IpAddress data_group
- Domain enrichment dashboard API query uses InternetDomainName data_group
- Hash enrichment dashboard API query uses Hash data_group
- The three changes above now give accurate risk scores and match RF Intelligence Cards
- /bin/rf_observablequery.py altered to handle API query changes to enrichment dashboards
- v3.0 now rf_threatfeed used as a lookup and for correlation
- Risk Score metric added to IP Enrichment dashboard
- Font size change of metrics in summary panel on enrichment dashboards
- Name changed from 'Add-on' to 'App'
### Added
- IP monitoring dashboard includes input field for IP address
- /appserver/static/rf_enrich_kpi.css to over-ride default font sizes in summary panels
- Sample threat feed included in lookups directory
## [1.11.11] - 2015-11-1
### Changed
- Added |localop to dashboards to address. Note: in some distributed environment cases, having just the ‘localop’ keyword is not enough. A pipe (|) is needed before.
## [1.10.29] - 2015-10-29
### Changed
- Added ‘localop’ keyword to search string in IP Enrichment dashboard.
## [1.10.16] - 2015-10-16
### Changed
- Removed 'Threatfeed URL' requirement from installation setup screen.
- Code altered to download Recorded Future's threatfeed using API token only (for added security).
- Splunk add-on documentation updated to reflect changes.
- Disabled drilldown feature - which re-directed to Splunk search - on the following dashboards:
Current Threat Trends
IP Enrichment
Domain Enrichment
Hash Enrichment
### Added
- Heatmap color-coding has been added to table panels in the following dashboards:
Log Correlations
IP Monitoring
Domain Monitoring
Current Threat Trends
## [1.10.09] - 2015-10-09
### Fixed
- Corrected rf_hits macro syntax within macros.conf file
## [1.08.17] - 2015-08-17
### Added
- Addition of rf_threatfeed.csv threatfeed lookup to evaluate risk of IP addresses.
### Changed
- Altered dashboards to use rf_threatfeed.csv lookup.