
Partage automatique d'indicateurs (AIS) avec restrictions TLP

While using Recorded Future, you may encounter threat intelligence shared through the Automated Indicator Sharing (AIS) program. The AIS program is managed by the US Department of Homeland Security and is further documented here: https://www.us-cert.gov/ais

AIS threat intelligence is labeled using the Traffic Light Protocol (TLP), to ensure that sensitive information is shared exclusively with the appropriate audience. In Recorded Future, you will see a TLP designator on each AIS threat intelligence note. The TLP system is further explained here: https://www.us-cert.gov/tlp

Recorded Future redistribue les renseignements sur les menaces AIS étiquetés TLP :WHITE et TLP :GREEN uniquement. Vous pouvez partager des renseignements sur les menaces AIS avec d’autres personnes, sous réserve de ces restrictions TLP. En particulier, notez que les informations sur les menaces étiquetées TLP :GREEN, ou supérieures, ne doivent pas être partagées via des canaux accessibles au public (blogs, médias sociaux, etc.)

Recorded Future, each AIS Participant and the National Cybersecurity & Communications Integration Center (NCCIC), to the maximum extent permitted by law, provide no representations or warranties regarding any Indicators or other data provided through AIS, or any other use of AIS.

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