Uncover Your Unique Threat Landscape
Visualize your security events, identify the threats that matter to your organization, and take action — fast.

83% of security teams are dissatisfied with their ability to correlate security data across all products and services.
The more security tools you have, the more security logs and alerts you have to sift through, making it challenging for your team to identify relevant threats quickly, before they impact your organization.

Collective Insights Connects the Dots
Your team needs to connect the dots between security events in your environment, what’s happening in the wild, and what’s happening to other organizations like yours to gain a full understanding of your unique threat landscape and take proactive action.

Identify overlooked threats
- Enhanced anomaly detection: Combine internal data across your security tools with threat intelligence to spot unusual patterns.
- Comprehensive threat correlation: Correlate internal and external data to uncover threats that might be missed with isolated analysis.

Prioritize action
- Easy reporting: Quickly report on detection trends for strategic, operational, and tactical purposes.
- Identify new malware: Identify newly observed malware variants in your environment and receive recommended actions.
- Informed decisions: Use relevant information to guide your defense, threat hunting, and remediation decisions.

Fuel threat hunts
- Dynamic hunts: Keep your threat hunts agile and effective.
- Automated threat hunting: Automate hunts based on your evolving threat landscape.
- Relevant hunting packages: Quickly access recommended packages based on the malware prevalent in your environment.

Build threat models
- Accurate models: Merge your internal data with threat intelligence to build precise threat models tailored to your organization.
- Continuous updates: Keep your threat models current with continuous updates from internal and external insights.
- Complete threat landscape: Integrate internal and external data for a holistic view of your threat landscape.
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