
Attack Surface Intelligence November Product Updates: New Dashboard

Posted: 22nd November 2022
By: Esteban Borges

In addition to the many recent Attack Surface Intelligence updates that have been rolled out, another one is coming to you straight from the oven: our complete dashboard redesign. This new development will make your attack surface management experience straightforward. Let’s dive in!


New Attack Surface Intelligence Dashboard

What's included in this new redesign?
  • Updated Risk Card: On this widget, you’ll be able to quickly identify your 5 most critical risks in order of severity, along with name and affected hosts, the total risk count at the top, and a link to pivot quickly and directly to ‘Risk History’ or ‘See all Risks’.


  • Recent Assets Feed: In the top right corner, you’ll find a summary of newly discovered hosts across all your infrastructure, ordered by ‘Hostname’ and date ‘First Seen’.


  • Easy asset downloads: This new feature allows you to download assets quickly and with a single click of your mouse.


  • UX clean-up: We’ve removed unnecessary elements that we found weren’t providing much value to our user experience and reorganized existing components (such as Alerts from our nav bar) to the top right corner inside ‘Assets’.

P.S.: Not related to the new dashboard, but to another UX improvement inside Attack Surface Intelligence: simple yet impactful, we’ve added ‘Clear Filters’ to the Explorer tab. This new button located in the top right corner will allow you to deactivate any of the selected filters with a single click, saving time for all users.


As you can see, we’re now using a streamlined dashboard design with fast downloads and a cleaned-up look. This powerful update is ready to save you time while managing the most critical parts of your attack surface.

Take Attack Surface Management to the next level and supercharge your asset discovery and risk detection capabilities: book your demo today.

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