
Attack Surface Intelligence February 2023 Product Update: ServiceNow and Slack Integrations, Quick Reaction Team Alerts, and More!

Posted: 14th February 2023
By: Esteban Borges

With the turn of the calendar comes a new host of updates and developments for our Attack Surface Intelligence platform. These include the launch of new integrations with ServiceNow and Slack, new methods for data export, improved WHOIS data, and the introduction of Quick Reaction Team alerts within the product. Keep reading to learn more!

ServiceNow and Slack integrations (beta)

You asked, and we listened! The ServiceNow and Slack integrations were two of the most requested features by our customers.


Slack’s integration now includes features such as alerts and notifications, enabling you to closely monitor potential risks in your attack surface by receiving immediate notifications through Slack. The ServiceNow integration provides the ability to translate risks into ServiceNow tickets that can be incorporated into existing ops workflows.


For both integrations, notifications will take place when new risks are triggered from a scan, with our system sending a summary of new moderate and critical rules.

New, simple exports

You can now easily export your organization's data into third-party apps such as Tenable and Qualys, as well as other open-source tools, by using the delimited lists located at the top left of the interface. This includes hostnames, IPs, and a new apex domain export function, useful when using Attack Surface Intelligence as a system of record or for importing into other tools.


QRT alerts in the product with zero friction

The QRT team will be able to alert customers of new vulnerabilities and give progress updates as we support them—a valuable addition when helping organizations stay ahead of either critical or emerging CVEs.


Data-rich style asset modal

The old Asset Modal is getting a total uplift, with the new design bringing in current DNS, WHOIS, Current Risk, and Risk History for each host. Additionally, it will show screenshots (ports) and IP overview as well if available:


Improved WHOIS data

In the upcoming weeks, we will complete our latest initiative in our ever-continuing quest to improve WHOIS data, including:

  • Historical WHOIS improvements: The WHOIS history has been dramatically expanded by the addition of more than 100 million new records, primarily to allow security teams to enhance their investigations and understanding of the lifecycle and ownership of a domain.
  • Daily updates: The number of daily WHOIS records has significantly increased, adding an average of 200K new records every day.
  • Improved algorithms for corporate registrars: We are also improving the algorithms used by associations for corporate registrars. This will help us match company domains to associated hosts within Attack Surface Intelligence. This specific change is coming in the upcoming weeks.


February 2023 comes packed with new features, updates, and improvements to help you stay ahead of cyber threats by integrating new services into the Attack Surface Intelligence platform.

We're constantly working to improve our product and are committed to making a real difference for you and your organization’s security posture. Let these new features show you how!

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